Planet Dinosaur Wiki
Planet Dinosaur Wiki

Gorgosaurus was a bipedal predator which roamed the grasslands of North America, 75 million years ago.


Gorgosaurus was a tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur. Along with Albertosaurus and Yutyrannus, they are the contenders for the largest feathered animals ever discovered at 8-9 m. Gorgosaurus had short arms with two fingered hands, long legs, a short s shaped neck with a large skull

Gorgosaurus at one time was thought to be a species of Albertosaurus but Gorgosaurus was bit smaller than Ablertosaurus. it had a wider slenderer skull. it was a bit heavier than albertosaurus

In Planet Dinosaur[]

Last Killers:[]

In Last Killers, Gorgosaurus is briefly seen in a database scene, with the narrator(John Hurt) explaining how the tyrannosaurs evolved over the last ten million years of the dinosaurs' reign.
