Planet Dinosaur Wiki
Planet Dinosaur Wiki

Camptosaurus is a genus of ornithopod dinosaur that lived in North America during the late Jurassic period.

In Planet Dinosaur[]

Fight for Life[]

A herd of Camptosaurus is foraging with a herd of Stegosaurus, as living together in a mixed herd provided a form of mutual protection for both species. This was demonstrated when an Allosaurus attempted to ambush them, but a Camptosaurus sentry noticedit in time and fled, alarming Stegosaurus in the process. By contrast, later in the episode, a lone Camptosaurus gets ambushed by an Allosaurus and is killed by it instead. After getting ambushed by the Allosaurus, a Saurophaganax was attracted to the carcass and fought the Allosaurus off for right to feed.  


  • The makers of Planet Dinosaur put a horror-movie-style twist on the scene where an Allosaurus stalks, chases, and kills a Camptosaurus. First of all, the scene is pretty tense within itself, because expertly orchestrated music plays on-and-off in the scene. Second of all, the part where the Camptosaurus thinks that it's the Allosaurus whose shadow is coming around the corner but it's actually another Camptosaurus is very scary. Third of all, when the Allosaurus lunges out and chases one of the two Camptosaurus, it's even more shocking. Finally, when the Allosaurus delivers the final blow to the Camptosaurus, lots of blood sprays onto the ground. The whole thing professes a violence which is unlike of that to other Planet Dinosaur episodes. As John Hurt reminds us, the world of dinosaurs is hardly ever clinical.  

Planet Dinosaur Database and Mentioned Creatures

Lost World: Tyrannosaurus  • Spinosaurus  • Irritator  • Baryonyx  • Siamosaurus  • Onchopristis  • Carcharodontosaurus  • Allosaurus  • Aerosteon  • Lacusovagus  • Iguanodon
Feathered Dragons: Microraptor  • Sinornithosaurus  • Epidexipteryx  • Sinosauropteryx  • Anchiornis  • Sinraptor  • Oviraptor  • Gigantoraptor  • Caudipteryx  • Troodon  • Beipiaosaurus  • Jeholosaurus  • Tianyuraptor  • Velociraptor
Last Killers: Gorgosaurus  • Daspletosaurus  • Tarbosaurus  • Tyrannosaurus  • Albertosaurus  • Chasmosaurus  • Psittacosaurus  • Raptorex  • Protoceratops  • Alectrosaurus  • Triceratops  • Mojoceratops  • Styracosaurus  • Alioramus  • Troodon  • Edmontosaurus  • Majungasaurus  • Carcharodontosaurus  • Centrosaurus
Fight for Life: Kimmerosaurus  • PliosaurusTyrannosaurus  • Stegosaurus  • Camptosaurus  • Allosaurus  • Saurophaganax

New Giants: Argentinosaurus  • Mapusaurus  • TyrannosaurusAllosaurusDiplodocusNeovenatorOrnithopsisSinraptorMamenchisaurus  • Paralititan  • Sarcosuchus  • Carcharodontosaurus  • Sauroposeidon  • Acrocanthosaurus
The Great Survivors: Ampelosaurus  • Iguanodon  • Neovenator  • Hypsilophodon  • Paralititan  • Spinosaurus  • Carcharodontosaurus  • Deltadromeus  • Erectopus  • Quaesitosaurus  • Tarbosaurus  • Therizinosaurus  • Gallimimus  • Achillobator  • Mononykus  • Tyrannosaurus  • Triceratops  • Edmontosaurus  • Albertosaurus  • Gorgosaurus  • Anodontosaurus  • Dromaeosaurus  • Variraptor  • Argentinosaurus  •Mapusaurus  • Ankylosaurus  • Gasparinisaura  • Magyarosaurus  • Zalmoxes  • Telmatosaurus  • Hatzegopteryx  • Styracosaurus  • Stygimoloch  • Parasaurolophus  • Archaeoceratops  • Oviraptor  • Baryonyx  • Polacanthus  • Pelecanimimus  • Nothronychus  • Suskityrannus  • Clostridium  • Majungasaurus  • Microraptor  • Gigantoraptor  • Oviraptor  • Didelphodon
