Argentinosaurus was a titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period in what is now South America.
In Planet Dinosaur[]
Episode 5: New Giants[]
Argentinosaurus appeared in the episode "New Giants" as one of the primary focuses of the episode (the others being Paralititan, Mapusaurus, and Carcharodontosaurus).
This episode begins by showing several nests of Argentinosaurus eggs being raided by Lacusovagus and Skorpiovenator. The mothers arrived and drove off the predators. The adults then started eating and laying their eggs. The hatchlings however, either ate as well, or got eaten instead - these dinosaurs do not really take care of their young. A whole pack of Skorpiovenators kept on eating as many babies as they could, but with thousands of them, them had little impact on the success of the species. The adults eventually left, though a Mapusaurus was watching them from a distance nearby.
The herd of Argentinosaurus were on the move. A colony of Gasparinisaura (identified as a Hypsilophodont) traveled with them, but were in danger. The sauropods' footsteps churned the surface into quicksand, causing the deaths of many dinosaurs. The herd eventually stopped traveling and began to feed. But then, a pack of Mapusaurus

A baby Argentinosaurus.
arrived and picked a victim. The pack snacked on the victim, but then stopped. One of the Mapusaurus got careless and got too close to an agitated adult Argentinosaurus and got trampled on and killed by the irate giant. Argentinosaurus relies on its sheer size, in order to oppose the thought of Mapusaurus attacking it. But because of its size, it appeared Mapusaurus could just simply snack, with the victim later dying.
The victim of the Mapusaurus attack eventually died of blood loss. A flock of Lacusovagus circled it like vultures. A bunch of Skorpiovenators came to the Argentinosaurus to feed. Hours later, some Mapusaurus came to eat, scaring away the Skorpiovenators in the process. The Skorpiovenators still tried to come and grab a bite, but the Mapusaurus would scare them off every time, The days passed and the competition for food became fierce. A few days later, all that was left of the giant dinosaur were its' bones and colossal skeleton.
This episode ends with the statement that when Argentinosaurus became extinct, Mapusaurus soon followed.
Episode 6: The Great Survivors[]
It was mentioned when the narrator was explaining the effect of insular dwarfism on islands. A size scale between it, Magyarosaurus, and Ampelosaurus was show. Argentinosaurus was also seen in the section South American dinosaurs.
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